CleanCo’s take on a warming Spiced Apple Vodka, non-alcoholic Clean V serves up smooth hints of green apple, cinnamon spice, a hint of black pepper, citrus and floral notes with the warming, spice-tinged feeling comparable to its full-strength counterpart.
Each bottle of CleanCo contains 10 calories per 50ml serving. There are no added sugars or sweeteners. It is vegan and gluten free with an ABV less than 0.5%.
Enjoy a Clean Apple Sling
Add 2oz Clean V to a tall glass, then add sparkling water and pieces of fresh-squeezed lime. Fill with ice, then add 1-3 dashes of Angostura Bitters to taste (non-alcoholic bitters if you have them). Adding bitters at the end looks pretty, but you’ll want to mix them in before deciding how many dashes you want to add in total. Finish with a fan of thinly cut apple slices.
Enjoy a Clean Spiced Cobbler
Add 2oz Clean V, 4oz pressed apple juice, and 1 dash vanilla extract into a goblet or wine glass. Mix 1tsp honey into the glass to dissolve before adding ice. Fill the glass with ice then add fresh slices of apple or orange. This recipe could also be served warm.
Enjoy a Clean Apple Mule
In a cocktail shaker filled with ice, add 2oz Clean V, 1 1/2oz apple cider, and 1/2oz fresh squeezed lime juice and shake well. Strain into a copper mug filled with fresh ice and top with 3-4oz ginger beer. Garnish with an apple slice and a cinnamon stick.